REGISTRATION To register for your free 1 week trial please complete the membership form. NO FIXED TERM CONTRACT – CANCEL AT ANYTIME MEMBERSHIP PAYMENTFirstname *Gender *MaleFemaleSurname *Date of Birth *Telephone Mobile *Email * AddressAddress *For family plans all applicants must be from the same home.City *Postcode * Payment Plan StudentsStudent 1Full Name *Gender MaleFemaleDate of Birth *Student 2Full Name Gender MaleFemaleDate of Birth Student 3Full Name Gender MaleFemaleDate of Birth Student 4Full Name Gender MaleFemaleDate of Birth Student 5Full Name Gender MaleFemaleDate of Birth Price PlanTraining Price plan Please choose the relevant training price plan which applies to your application. Part Time or Weekends allows you to train 2 sessions per week every calendar month, Full time is 3 or more classes per week every calendar month.Full Time TrainingPart Time TrainingPayment Options *Direct Debit - GoCardlessCashBank TransferPayment Instructions For direct debit payments with GoCardless we will send you and email to confirm your payment is set up. Direct Bank Transfer to - Camp 313 Muay Thai Academy HSBC Bank - Account No. 52013002 Sortcode 40-11-15 Please also note that fees are due on the 1st of Every calendar month. To cancel your membership you must inform us in writing or email Any payments due back will be credited back to you from the date of notification. Terms & ConditionsConsent *I am aware that there is no fixed term contract and that I may leave at anytime. To cancel my membership I will inform Camp 313 Muay Thai Academy in writing or email at I consent to and understand the terms and conditions of training at Camp 313 Muay Thai Academy.Confirm VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - please leave it blank: